20 / 03 / 2020
4 Minute Read
10 things you do in bed that women don't like!
Hello guys!
Being a Gentleman applies also in the bedroom… ;-)
Here is another article to help you better understand women, especially when we are talking about sex.
Here are what a few things most of you men do in bed which turn off women…
1. Playing too hard/long with her nipples
Some guys will play too hard or too long on women’s nipples. What they do not know is that it is uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Women nipples are very sensitive, with varying degrees of sensitivity throughout the month, so please Gentlemen, play accordingly. Gentle licking and sucking can be really great, so long as it doesn’t feel like you’re trying to milk us. In any case, if a girl likes it harder, she will let you know.
2. Appropriating her orgasm
How can you ask a woman such a thing : „Come for me!“ ? It’s her orgasm, not yours. Please, respect that. Further, not all women can orgasm through penetration alone, and your unit isn’t going to change her physiology.
3. No joke, please!
Some guys are trying to be funny during the intercourse and do not understand that it may be very clumsy… Not the time for jokes!
Being funny can be a great way to build intimacy and foster a connection that will make sex better. But it does not always work… Some women will not like your jokes. Never tell a joke that will make her feel any less desirable, or like you’re not at least taking the sex she’s allowing you to have with her seriously.
4. Refusing to use condoms
If a woman insists that you wear a condom, the rudest, most inconsiderate thing you can do is try and talk her out of it. It doesn’t matter if you “just got tested,” or if she’s on the pill. Women face way higher stakes in the bedroom. It is a medical fact that we are more physiologically susceptible to STDs than men, not to mention the risk of pregnancy. Sure, sex feels better without a condom, but life feels better without herpes…
5. Claiming you are „The King of Sex“
Too many men think that they are super good in bed. They talk a lot before sleeping with a woman... and then, they do not deliver. Guys : the worst thing you can do is over-promise and under-deliver ! ;-)
Empty promises are an alarming trend in human male behavior. Women have adapted to this evolution by lowering their expectations. No girl is expecting the best sex of her life the first time she sleeps with you. In fact, staying humble makes any sexual missteps you commit in the act far more forgivable. Girls know you will lie to her about something far more important somewhere down the road, so no need to start with how good you are in bed.
6. Don’t go too deep!
Why men think that girls like it deep? We hate it when guys go too deep. It doesn’t feel good and it is even hurts sometimes! Seriously, guys : Stop punching in our vaginas. It’s not impressive, and for some, it’s actually painful. Just how deep is a personal preference. Give her all of you, but ease up if you get the feeling it’s too much for her. Not sure? Just ask.
7. Don’t skip the foreplay
She is not asking for an hour-long, candles and hot oil massage . It takes more for women to get aroused than just wanting you, regardless of their age. Men, remember this : foreplay makes sex much easier and simply skipping it is likely to make a woman feel more objectified than wanted. Note that women hate Quickies. This kind of behavior/service looks amateur at best and selfish at worst.
8. Stop seeking validation
„Do you like my big cock? „ Why do you keep asking this questions guys? Don’t be delusional about your size. The honest truth is that most of the time, bigger isn’t always better, but a big ego is the worst! When you ask this question to a girl, it makes you look like a very insecured man. No need to use magnum condoms, when you don’t need to. I am a C cup. How ridiculous would I look in a E bra?
9. Conducting an interrogation while having sex
„What about this position?“ Is that OK like that?“ For great sex, communication is absolutely a must, that’s true but rather before starting, not while being in action. And if you really have to ask, then make sure any questions are purposed and specific. “Are you OK with Anal Sex?” is definitely a question worth asking. However, checking in with her every time you change positions is just tiresome. Constantly asking her for validation is so unattractive and under-confident…
10. Don’t treat her like your maid
Guys, don’t throw her a towel, so that she can wipe YOUR sperm off her back! If a woman lets you finish anywhere else than in a condom, show some gratitude and at least wet the towel a little with some warm water before politely handing it to her. Or go a step further and give her a hand, especially if it’s in a spot she may have trouble reaching. A bit of chivalry Gentlemen! :-)
Janet for
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