As you may know, for a long time I worked as an independent escort in Switzerland, being part of the TVR concept. But what you probably don’t know is that my first step in the world of sex work did not start here…
Many of you have asked me this question in different ways. Let me tell you about my beginnings in this industry. It will be a long story so, to avoid a too long blog article, this content will be split in three parts.
Life before the decision
I had just finished university and had no idea what to do with my life. A degree in Environmental Protection and Ecology, (which at the time was considered useless), didn't offer me many options although in parallel with school I did a hairdressing course (to be honest, I did it more at the insistence of my parents, I had no attraction to pursue this job).
One day, my girlfriend and I were surfing, like everyone else on the internet, when we saw an advert about looking for escorts in Germany.
I thought for a moment... "Escorts? Isn't this the most immoral job on the planet?” The ad was well written, was promising a lot of fun and a lot of money and I was tempted to have a more adventurous life… I was young and was looking for excitement, I guess… And, so I thought for a few days, until I decided that I was ready for this step even though I didn't know what kind of baggage this job comes with.
I called the number and made an appointment for two girls. Me and my girlfriend.
The days that followed, I was thinking that I should cancel and not go, and it was still a constant battle in my head. Departure day was closer than ever. We bought our lingerie, dresses and everything we needed for the photo shoot there to create our profile and we both waited with many emotions and conflicting thoughts, to get on the plane that was going to change a big part of our "normal" lives.
First steps in Germany
I remember now when we landed at Hamburg airport, it was a cold and rainy day. The landscape I was used to had changed completely. I didn't dislike it, but it was something new, interesting even if you often see some videos from other countries. But when you are there everything looks different and intense.
At the airport we were met by the lady in charge of the rental accommodation, a lady over 35 years old, blond and with a soft face, and even so she was inside (that's what I discovered during my stay there).
Very nice and kind, she invited us for a coffee, to get to know each other a little and then to go to one of the locations for the photo shoot.
My thoughts still didn't give me peace even though I had a feeling of peace and that everything was ok.
Arriving at the location, we found a two-storey house, each floor having an apartment with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom. Everything was perfectly arranged, clean and gave you, strangely enough, the feeling of a home.
We chose each room and started to unpack our luggage, take a shower and get ready for the photos. The photo shoot went ok, a bit awkward because I’d never taken pictures in my underwear or appeared on the internet where I will be seen by thousands of people. Then came the creation of the profile and the choice of services. Back then, of course, I didn't have a developed sexual experience. But with the help of the lady I managed to choose an "easy" service program so I could face the beginning of this journey. There was no schedule, each woman did her own schedule and answered her own phone. As long as you paid your rent (it was 550 euros a week at the time, if I remember correctly) you had no problem with the boss.
The BIG day
The next day, was the big day. I didn't speak German and I didn't understand it at all, but I was lucky with English. I remember now, maybe it's funny or not, but I wrote on a sheet of paper in German some questions and answers about services and prices, so that if a possible client didn't speak English or Spanish, I could give him the necessary information. This helped me enormously and I always recommended this trick to girls as not many give importance to languages and as a result, it sometimes affects their work.
The first client arrived. A tall, handsome gentleman. I was so excited I could hear my heart beating in my chest. I was so scared of what was going to happen. After a few exchanges of words, the man understood that I was new to the job and very friendly told me not to worry, everything would be ok even if I was clumsy, he would guide me.
I remember he asked me to join him in the shower so we could get used to each other before we went to bed. First experience, first my surprise everything went quite well. And this thanks to a man who didn't know me and who paid for a great time, although he didn't know I was a beginner and probably had much higher expectations. I want to tell you that this man became one of my best friends with benefits, because I don't like to use the word "client".
I think I met 4 men that day. Although I was satisfied that everything was going well,I still had a guilty conscience, that I was lying to my family about what I was doing in Germany, if what I chose to do was right, if my family and friends found out how I would be judged and lose loved ones...
I constantly had to cope with this battle in my head, and I think it still haunts me sometimes. But so far, nothing has happened in this regard, I took care to protect my family and friend circles and including myself from certain situations.
Coming back to that woman who welcomed us on the first day, she had 5 locations in 5 different cities, which I visited during my stay. I stayed at her locations for about 4 months. As each day went by, I became more confident in myself and my emotions of fear completely disappeared. My friend felt comfortable too, and that made me happy.
I am grateful to this woman for all the moral help she gave me. I didn't think there could be nice people in this industry especially when you see so many bad things in the news. But that experience was a good memory to me. What was promised in the ad was delivered too. At times, I think I may have been pretty lucky to land in a right place, especially for my very first time in this industry.
Later on, I must admit that I have had some not so pleasant experiences, but not taken to the extreme and not because of a client.
Many of you think that the life of a working girl is just rosy, that there is a lot of money to be made in this business, but it is not always so. I will get to the point where I will tell you about the life behind the escort job.
To conclude the first part of this blog post, I would say: “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
(To be continued…)
Selena for TheVelvetRooms
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