24 / 05 / 2024
6 Minute Read

Is time with a sex worker more expensive than with other women?


I am certain that many of you (especially men) think that a sex worker is expensive, especially when it is possible to get the “same thing” without having to pay anything for it. But if you think about it, maybe the opposite is actually true. For a man, meeting a sex worker can be a good way to get what he wants without having to “beat around the bush”, for maybe, after a great deal of efforts, experience an intimate, sexual moment or the realization of his fantasy... In this article, I do explain my reasoning.


An investment without any guarantee

When you have sex with a woman who is not a sex worker, it is by no means “free”. You will have to take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, take her to the movies... and maybe go on two or even three dates with her before you might have sex with her. Even though parity is becoming more popular, many still expect you to foot the bill for her and for you. If you add up the total cost of these three dates, it can quickly add up to 500 CHF.

Now let's look at the cost of the average, high-quality sex worker. You can visit a sex worker in Switzerland from 250 CHF - 300 CHF an hour and sex is usually guaranteed, from the first date and without much effort ...


What are the advantages of visiting a sex worker over dating women who are not in this industry?

The average sex worker is “much hotter” than the average of woman you can date. I think we can almost all agree on this point, and it is not surprising, because for one it is her job (or her main source of income), but for the other it is not.

In such a situation, you get to pick and choose, and the power of choice is in your hands, rather than the woman's. It goes without saying that mutual consent is necessary for an encounter between a sex worker and her client to go well for both parties. If this is the case, the sex worker may even count you as one of her favorite clients.

With a sex worker, you have sex and that's it. No emotional drama, no mind games, no bullshit like with many other women.

Besides, you do not have to waste hours of your valuable time contacting women on dating websites or trying to approach women in your neighborhood to persuade them, which usually ends unsuccessfully and earns you a bad reputation. In the time you save, you can earn money or devote yourself to your hobby or visit a sex worker for an hour or two, and then leave.

The other advantage of visiting a sex worker is that you can choose WHEN you want to have sex. Let's say you are a busy businessman. Instead of wasting 5 hours at a bar or on a date, you could spend a few hours with a sex worker, and for your own good too. You are the one who chooses “when” and so you save a lot of time while being (almost) sure to get what you were looking for.


The sex worker: much cheaper than being married

In my opinion, visiting a sex worker is definitely cheaper than being married without dating any sex worker. In total, through a 10-year marriage with divorce, you would end up with expenses of at least CHF 300,000. Now let's take that number and divide it by 300 CHF, which is the average price of a high-quality sex worker in a western country. That is sex with 1000 different high-value sex workers.

Now, if you talk to a married man who is honest, he will admit that sex with his woman (wife, girlfriend, partner) is often not the same after the first 6 months or the first year... And that is the reason why people in long-term relationships hardly have sex anymore. It is boring to have sex with the same person over and over again or suddenly, the woman no longer feels like having sex (or no longer feels like having sex with you).

Variety is the spice of life! You could have sex with 1000 different sex workers for the same price of what it would cost to marry and have sex sporadically with one woman. And considering how unstable most western women are these days (men too actually), the likelihood of divorce is about 60% (https://whatsthebigdata.com/divorce-statistics/), with the woman initiating the divorce 90% of the time.

You are very likely to lose at least 50% of your assets and savings in a divorce. In the western world, a divorce can end up costing 500,000 or even 1,000,000 if you include spousal support or alimony for children.

So, let's take that number, one million swiss francs, and divide it by 300. That is 3300 different sex workers you could visit to have sex with you instead of marrying a woman who ends up acting like an unscrupulous and opportunistic stranger and divorcing you anyway.

I know that not all truths are good to say, but I will share this with you anyway: People get married because they love the other person, not just so they can have sex: True. But if sex is extremely important to you, marriage is probably not for you....

So, it's your choice of course... Would you rather marry a woman who gets bored after 6 months of sex and ends up stealing all your assets and savings in divorce, or would you rather have sex with different beautiful sex workers for the same price?


Her words against yours

Another very relevant point is that the world of modern dating has become quite risky. Some women see nothing wrong in making a false rape accusation against a man.

Unfortunately, many rape cases are fabricated and are made from a motive of revenge by the woman.

Have you broken up with your girlfriend? Watch out, she might file a false rape charge against you just to get revenge. Did you cheat on her? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation just to get back at you. Did you forget to say “Happy Birthday” to your girlfriend? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you just to get back at you.

Not all but a proportion of rape cases among couples are false. Often, the sexual act was consensual, but the woman later changed her mind and decided “Oh, it was rape”. This is partly why the police do not always take rape cases seriously, because unfortunately many women who claim to have been raped are lying.

This behavior is of course unfair to the man who did not do anything, but also to all these women who have actually been raped and need help and support.

So that is another big advantage of seeing a sex worker. The likelihood that a sex worker will file a false rape claim against you is fairly small...


The decision to date a sex worker: minimizing constraints

When it comes to sex, meeting an independent sex worker and going home with a big smile is nothing unusual. This woman will usually make herself available for your needs and listen to you. Of course, there could also be some disappointments, but these are not as numerous as with women who do not work as sex worker. A man who appreciates having a choice, who can distinguish between love and sex, who can pleasure himself whenever he wants without having to make an emotional commitment, who feels free in his movements and desires, and who has no desire or energy to “fish” around, will choose to visit a sex worker in order to (almost) always come out on top.


Janet - The Velvet Rooms

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