If you've ever worked as an Escort-Girl in Switzerland, you already know that the choice of websites to promote your services is pretty limited. Even more so, as there's no real mix of languages here... If you work in the French-speaking Switzerland (where the official language is French), there are 2 sites where you can advertise. If you're in German-speaking part of Switzerland (where the official language is German), there are also two acceptable sites where you can make yourself visible. As for the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland (where the official language is Italian), there's only one.
What you need to know is that some of these sites have been active for years, and some of them have built up a reputation (good or bad) over the years.
The problem we face today is that many of these sites, which were a guarantee of certain earnings just a few years ago (I'm thinking in particular of the period before Covid and before the current conflict in Eastern Europe), paying for an advert on one of these sites was a guarantee of receiving calls and work (therefore receiving a satisfactory number of clients per day). Well, it turns out that since 2020, a lot has changed, and according to my analysis, research and experience in this industry, here are the 3 reasons why it's now important for an Escort-Girl to choose intelligently the website where she wants to publish her services.
Three reasons to choose the right Escort ad site in Switzerland
1- An explosive number of girls
There haven't always been many escorts. In fact, the democratization of the sex industry, digitalization, tourism, the opening up of borders (Schengen zone) and now the financial, economic, energy, political, health and environmental crisis that Europe is undergoing has led to an explosion in the number of girls (legal or illegal) in this sector, and you know what? Their number is set to rise even further in the coming years, as the precariousness of the middle and lower classes increases, pushing more pretenders in this direction.
Who benefits from it? The owners of these big sites that are already up and running, because they focus on the quantity of girls available on their site, not on the quality of the ads (whether the ads are real, whether the photos are original... they're not interested). The more ads they have on the site, the more money they make, and that's all that matters to them. Customers benefit too, because they have more choice. When it comes to spending money with a woman, men like to have a choice. The more choice they have, the more demanding they tend to be and the less generous they are. As for the escort, well, the popularity of a big site is of course an advantage, as she hopes that this popularity will bring her customers, but the reverse is often true too: the more girls a site has available, the lower the chances of being found by a good customer.
2- The Swiss client's tendency to bet on "sure values”
Of course, this is valuable information that you can only be aware of once you've already worked as an Escort in Switzerland. Although Swiss customers tend to be loyal to the girl(s) they see on a regular basis, they're a little more wary of venturing completely into the unknown. They'll always prefer: an Escort they already know, a girl who works in a place they're familiar with, a girl who's been working in Switzerland for a long time (it's not the first time they've seen her ad and/or she has lots of positive feedback) or a girl who's been recommended to them. If you're an independent Escort who wants to travel to Switzerland to work, it's rare for a Swiss client to come to you if you don't meet one of the above criteria. So, of course, you're probably thinking that all you have to do is advertise on one of these big sites and you're in business! Well, not really...
Who benefits from it? As a freelance escort in Switzerland (and this is especially true for the German-speaking part of the country), when nobody knows you and you are relying solely on these big sites to generate traffic to your profile and ultimately earn your money, things get complicated when it becomes difficult to find you. Once again, these big sites take your money with no regard for the profitability of your investment. What's more, these websites cater for all categories of sex worker. Which means that if you're a girl of a certain standing, your profile is likely to end up next to the one of a girl who charges half as much as you do, a girl who never uses condoms and shouts it loud and clear, a girl who turns tricks in a car for the price of a cinema ticket, or even next to an advert for which the girl has paid nothing (and yes, this is common practice too, but you wouldn't know it...). That's what happens when you're a site that aims for quantity, not quality.
What's in it for the customer? For the customer looking for good deals (often obnoxious, bordering on respect for women, let alone his own health) at unbeatable rates (prices often not decided by the girl herself), it's perfect. For the customer who's looking for a high standard of service and who's been disappointed a lot, this kind of site is a real jungle and it's often difficult for him to find escorts who offer a quality service, who speak his language (or English) or simply who seem friendly and with whom he wants to spend a pleasant moment. For the independent Escort, this is also a difficult situation, as the challenge is to stand out from the crowd. But with no regular clientele and being new to this "Swiss market", she's often dependent on these portals and has to be patient and spend a lot of money at the outset, with no guarantee that it will pay off on the short or medium run.
3- Independent Escorts offer a different experience
It can't be said often enough: "An Escort is not a prostitute. They do the same job, but differently and not for the same purpose, and it's this mindset that creates a huge gap between the two jobs".
The problem is that in Switzerland, there are hardly any websites dedicated exclusively to independent escorts, which are able to showcase what they have to offer (which is not just a service, but a real customer experience). In the German-speaking part of Switzerland, for example, there are none.
And yet, this would be of enormous benefit to customers who are looking for quality exclusively, and who don't want to waste time on a site where there are 2,000 girls who we don't even know if they are conform to what's written on their ad. The customer doesn't want to be fooled into thinking that the girl will receive him at a private location and ends up realizing once he's there that he landed in a brothel. In short, the customer who would rather enjoy a quality service prefers to choose from a reduced choice if he knows that quality is there. This would also benefit independent escorts, who could significantly increase their exposure by having their own dedicated website, even if they're new to the country. The aim here is for the customer to have a smaller choice of quality escorts who meet his initial criteria: to meet an independent escort who works alone and whom he can see 100% in private. Ultimately, it’s a time and money for both the escort-girl and her client.
In a nutshell...
A trustworthy advertising website for independent Escort-Girls working in Switzerland is what's needed for all those ladies who want to work to certain standards and therefore attract a better clientele and give themselves the opportunity to get off to a good start as an independent Escort in Switzerland. Does this mean that you have to ban all advertising that isn't on a site dedicated solely to independent Escorts? Not at all. On the other hand, to maintain her rates and reputation, an independent Escort must pay particular attention to her image. It's the image she reflects (and therefore where she advertises) that will attract (or not) the type of clientele she's looking for...
In August 2023, TheVelvetRooms (TVR) will officially launch its ad site 100% dedicated to independent Escorts in Switzerland. The site will be uncluttered, trilingual, interesting (as the Models' profiles are very informative) and affordable, and we hope it will gradually establish itself as a reference for all independent Escorts, both Swiss and foreign!
Janet for TheVelvetRooms
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