08 / 03 / 2022
4 Minute Read
You recognized your client in a public area: how to behave?
Last Saturday, something weird happened to me. I had just finished checking-in a Model who joined TVR a few days ago. My last piece of advice being shared, I left the place quickly because her first appointment was expected 10 minutes later.
I greet her, wish her a nice afternoon and head for the exit. At the front door, someone was waiting at the door (which is always locked in the afternoon). I didn't particularly pay attention to him because meanwhile I had received a call and already had my headset in my left ear, attentive to my interlocutor, on the other end of the line. So, I quickly pass the door, leave the building and go to my car, parked just in front.
I had barely opened the car door when I heard someone call my name: "Janet! Janet! Janet!"
In fact, I understood that he was already shouting my name for a few seconds already, but I hadn't realized it immediately since I was on the phone. When I noticed that it was in fact the client of the Model who was almost 10 minutes before the schedule and who had somehow guessed that it must have been me, Janet who was leaving this building (I specify that it is someone I have never seen and who has never met me), I was doubly shocked.
At this precise moment, he continued shouting my name in the middle of the street while I opened the door of my car and prepared to drive off. Embarrassed, I was confused in my head but I chose to ignore him. Without looking at him, without turning around, I simply asked myself: "How can a regular customer behave in such a disrespectful way?" As I asked myself this question, I heard knocking on the window on the passenger side. It was this guy who continued to shout my name and sought a reaction from me, which he never got.
I had chosen to behave as if he were invisible, to act as if nothing had happened, as if I had seen nothing, heard nothing in order to preserve my identity, in this district of Zurich where I use to live and where I am almost every day.
This experience still leaves me speechless today. This client tried to call me a bit later, I preferred not to pick up. Today, it is possible that he still does not understand my reaction which for me could not be clearer.
Maybe he just wanted to greet me, introduce himself but his insistent, pushy and obvious attitude was a NO-GO, in my opinion.
All this happened in less than 1 minute. This experience was very unpleasant for me. This is why I would like to share with you some advice that I consider essential to know if you ever meet by chance your client or your Escort in a public place:
* If she/he is accompanied, it’s preferable to remain indifferent. Indeed, you don’t know what the accompanying person represents for him/her or if he/she is aware of his/her private life. Indifference is not a form of rudeness in this case but rather a mark of respect.
* If he/she is alone and the context permits (isolated, no people around), a discreet sign of the head as a greeting, together with a timid smile, is sufficient. Nothing more. Don't go to her/him. Why? You don't want to make him/her uncomfortable. You don't know if this is the neighborhood where he/she lives in, you don't know if he/she wants to talk to you at this specific moment.
* If he/she approaches you in an unsolicited way (he/she walks towards you or shouts your name): either you ignore him/her and change direction (leaving is the best way to avoid an unwanted confrontation), or you shake your head as a way of saying no and he/she will understand that at this precise moment, you don’t want him/her to entrain your vital space without your consent.
* If someone calls you from afar by screaming your name (I am thinking here especially of Escorts because in general, Escorts don’t necessarily remember the names of their customers but clients rarely forget the names of Escorts they have seen regularly), especially do not look back. He will call you by your Escort name which (in most cases) is not your real name. You have no reason to turn around, especially not in public. Carry on as if nothing had happened.
Independent Escorts in Switzerland, particularly those who work at a certain standing, want discretion at all costs. Clients who trust an Escort also prioritize discretion. This discretion is not limited to the four walls where the dates take place but also outside, in public spaces, whether during an official or unexpected encounter.
Clients or Escorts, we all have a private life that we wish to protect or that we don't want to see exposed to anyone/anywhere/anytime. Whoever we choose to be during a date with an Escort or during an appointment with a client is often a character slightly different from who we really are.
Vital space - this invisible protective bubble, this distance that we unconsciously impose on ourselves and which varies according to the people and the context in which they find themselves - is a sacred territory that each of us possesses and which is necessary for our well-being.
Bare in mind that i’s not because an Escort/client willingly let you cross their vital space at a given time that you have the right to cross it whenever you feel like it.
Janet for
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