Although first time sex does not have a deadline, for a young adult, not having lost his virginity after the age of majority can be a difficult experience, hence going for pay6.
Between the desire and impatience to be able to say “I've done it too!” and the fear and anxiety associated with that first time sex that may take time to happen, here are some of the reasons why pay6 is popular among men who end up losing their virginity and have first time sex thanks to an independent escort girl.
First time sex: the fear of not performing
Adult men often have this fear of under-performing and disappointing their partner. They are often influenced by what they have seen in porn movies, which often do not reflect the reality of a consensual sexual relationship between two adults. Many choose to lose their virginity through pay6 with an escort girl precisely because the pressure to perform disappears. She will usually be the one to guide them, and the pace of the encounter will be adapted to your own.
First time sex: the inexperience
Virginity implies a lack of experience and knowledge about sex, women/men and sexual pleasure in general. But sexual experience is not just acquired by reading books or watching films. It is also, and above all, acquired through a lot of practice. And when you do not practice it, it is normal to feel a little uncomfortable or awkward. That is also what inexperience is about, and it has affected us all at some point, so do not focus to much on it. If you do not have a partner, or a girlfriend, going for pay6 and gaining experience and confidence with an Escort Girl will make losing your virginity as enjoyable as it is instructive.
Virginity: the discomfort of self-image
When you have not yet lost your virginity, you have the (mistaken) impression that everyone knows it or has realized it. men are often very anxious about their physical appearance (not masculine enough, not manly enough, a dick that is considered not big enough...) and how they are perceived by the person they are sexually attracted to. Pay6 will boost your self-confidence, as these professionals do not usually make value judgments about you or the fantasies you may have. They accept you as you are, and their experience will help you quickly feel at ease, especially if this is your first time sex. The patience and tolerance of an Escort girl can make losing your virginity an unforgettable experience.
Pay6: Consent and limits
The advantage of having your first time sex through pay6 is that you can be frank with the sex worker and tell her in advance what you want, what you dislike, what makes you nervous. She will make sure to take what you tell her into consideration, so that this first time sex is both comfortable and respectful for you. The Escort girl will focus on your pleasure. This honesty is not always possible with a girl who is not involving in the sex industry. If of course this first sexual experience is with someone who has reciprocal feelings towards you and with whom you can communicate well, then that is great! Of course, as a general rule, your first time sex is not with someone you know well or are in love with. If, on top of that, you are rather shy and introverted by nature, it is important to be able to lay the foundations of the possibilities and your expectations. Escort Girls give you that opportunity.
Expectations versus reality : What can pay6 teach you?
First time sex is characterized by a host of fantasies about sex, often at odds with one another. Sex workers with a wealth of experience will give you a good picture of what sexual reality is like. By visiting them regularly early on your virginity-loss journey, you will become more mature and less naive about sex and how women like to be made love to...
First time sex: which escort girl to choose for pay6 ?
Because this will be a moment in your life you will never forget, it is important to choose the right Escort girl for you. Make sure your first contact isn't a faux pas, don't act like a timewaster and follow these few tips:
* You are physically attracted to her (this is really important)
* She speaks your language or a language you can communicate in (communication is essential before, during and after sex: do not underestimate this detail)
* She welcomes you in a private and discreet place (for your first time sex, you do not want this to take place in an erotic studio, but rather in a cozier, intimate, more conventional place out of sight) or you can opt for an Outcall
* She has experience with men who are still virgins
* She is of an age (adult) that you are comfortable with
* She is willing to talk to you on the phone. Hearing her voice can confirm or push back your desire to spend time with her.
In this article, you will also find further tips to follow, dedicated to gentlemen who are dating an escort for the first time.
If you choose to go for pay6, it is an adventure that will cost you money, so do not take all these details lightly to maximize the chances of it working out for the best.
First time sex with an escort girl: how much does it cost?
When you lose your virginity, you do not want to be under time pressure. That is why you should opt for an appointment lasting at least 1 hour, ideally 1.5 hours. An escort Girl in Switzerland will charge you on average between CHF 250 and CHF 350 for an hour to be spent in her company. For 90 minutes, pay6 will cost you between CHF 400 and 500. If your budget is limited, pick Escort girls who offer a service for CHF 250 per hour. At this rate, many of them provide good service. And if you want to stay a little longer, the COMBO is the ultimate option, giving you 90 minutes with a great Escort girl for just 300 CHF.
In any case, do not waste this precious moment by choosing to say goodbye to your virginity in 30min, because it certainly will not be a pleasant memory. Give this unique pay6 moment the time it deserves.
Pay6 and first time sex : do not rush!
The fear that exists around the loss of virginity is a normal thing and can be overcome with open communication between both partners, a little sex education and the willingness to create a safe and comfortable space for this unique experience for you. Remember, too, that the right time for first time sex is determined by you and your body, not by society. If you choose to experience it using pay6, do not rush into anything and take the time to prepare things well: this unique experience will be all the better for it!
Janet – The Velvet Rooms
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