19 / 07 / 2024
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Escorts clients: Is he a timewaster?


You always hear stories of people giving bad reviews about time-wasting escorts, but what about escorts' clients? In fact, there are just as many, or probably even more!

Time wasting escort clients are a big issue in the escort market. There are sections on escort message boards and forums where information is shared about escorts' clients who are known to as timewasters. The warning to the wider escort community is being used more and more. Escort girls comment on why the person is wasting their time and share phone numbers and email addresses, as well as the different aliases which these timewasters use and lead to one person. Timewasters escorts' clients are a nuisance. Some are just a simple annoyance while others are creepy.

In this article, we will learn who are timewasters, how do they operate and how you, escort girl can stay away from these peculiar escorts' clients.


What is a timewaster?

In the sex industry, a timewaster is a man who will waste a lot of the sex worker's time (endless conversations on the phone, multiple requests for information not always related to each other, request for additional photos and despite this, will not make an appointment, sends an exaggerated number of text or WhatsApp messages without ever making an appointment, asks the escort to meet her outside for a drink with no intention of paying for her time, negotiates the prime rate to get the best deal, makes an appointment and postpones it several times without ever showing up, makes an appointment, confirms it, does not come and doesn't inform the escort about it ; make an appointment and cancels it a few minutes before the time he was supposed to be there...). And the list goes on. A timewaster is not serious while contacting an escort girl. These escorts' clients are a waste of time because they pretend to be interested but in real, they will never book a date.


Those who don't realize it and those who do it on purpose

Independent escort girls receive many booking requests. They must process them all as they are all potential bookings, meaning, potential opportunities to get more clients, hence, more revenue. Each escort girl has their own tricks to distinguish the real from the fake. Some escorts' clients are unintentionally timewasters. They are genuinely looking for an escort but are either so indecisive or drunk, or inexperienced that they end up just wasting the escort's time and no booking end up being made. Escorts' clients who are deliberate timewasters know exactly what they are doing when they get in touch with an escort. They love to go from an escort lady to another (it is a hobby for them) and are often referred to as “picture hunters”. These guys are not interested in booking a date but do daydream/fantasies/get excited while talking/being in touch with an escort.


What are the different types of escorts clients’ timewasters?

As we saw briefly saw in the previous chapter, timewasters can fall into various categories. In this chapter, I dive into five of them, which are considered being the most predominant.

If you are an escort, you may have met one or even all the following timewasters.


1- The middle-aged/Young man “nerd”

Yes, he probably lives in his parents' basement, has never had a girlfriend and wants to waste your time to give his ego the validation it needs. He generally has no intention of booking any appointment with an escort, but he likes your voice and just wants to talk. Usually, these type of escort clients are smart enough to keep the fake booking process going. Questions may tend to be genuine such as “What are you wearing today?”. Then later expect the question “What are you wearing now?”, then “What color panties are you wearing?”.

Tips for escort girls: Ladies, you should end the conversation right away. They like this kind of titillation and somehow cannot get away from it. They will ask a million questions and try to call you again and again. When they book, they will cancel and find an excuse that sounds plausible. When they feel they have gone all the way with this little game with an escort (especially if she is not very receptive), it's time to block you and move on to the next one. Let's just hope they do not run up their parents' phone bill. Mom will not be happy!


2- The Indecisive

Even if he does not have the primary intention of wasting an escort's time, this timewaster achieves that goal almost every time! He could be a divorced man trying to get back into the dating scene or just someone who lacks the confidence to go through with that escort date. They usually have a million uncertainties and have thoroughly researched the questions they want to ask. Escorts can be bombarded with texts and emails; all very detailed. However, when it comes to actually making that booking, they will never confirm the appointment. They will just apologize and convince the escort that unfortunately she is not the one for him. Then the process begins with someone new. A man in a sentimental crisis could also falls into this category.


3- The drunk guy (or the druggy)

Yes, the famous drunk guy. It all makes sense in his head, but actually they can be so annoying…! There are two types of drunk escort clients: the guy who didn't want to get drunk, drank too much and suddenly shows “Dutch courage”. And the drunk man who just drinks too much anyway and only then, dare calling an escort. Both can quickly turn to be incoherent, cheeky and/or aggressive. They do not understand that they are not only waster the escort girl’s time but also their own time. They go from scenarios where they argue with you to claim that they did not book a particular escort to forgetting that they made an appointment…


4- The guy who has to “reschedule”

Very nicely spoken on the phone; you may come across as a busy businessperson. They sound so enthusiastic on the phone, and you see it as a firmly booked appointment. The first booking is usually not pre-booked, but rather spontaneous/on short notice. When the escort girl gets that call, “Sorry, I have to reschedule,”. After a few days and a later apology, he is trying to book again. Then again, he cancels, bringing up the same excuse. In the meantime, you have not booked any other appointments, or you have even turned them down because of him... Now it's up to the escort girl to decide whether she should write this guy off, or whether he really is a busy businessman who always puts his work first. It could also be a married man who can't find the right excuse to justify his absence, which would explain the repeated cancellations. Of course, since he's so organized, why not plan ahead and put this encounter with you in his diary? If he really wants to see you, it shouldn't be that difficult, especially for a man with so little time on his hands...


5- The smooth-talker

These escorts' clients will promise you the world, say they will buy you gifts; that they would even sail around the world with you. Well, that is being said to get your attention. How long are you going to believe in these lies? The luxurious shopping spree on Bahnhofstrasse Zurich seems so exciting... Should a naive escort lady treat a client in a special way because of his suspicious promises? If so, then you have just been conned! They promise you the world, but usually deliver very little...


How do you recognize a timewaster?

It would be easier if they had the word “timewaster” written on their head! Then they would be easy to spot. Unfortunately, it does not work this way, and escorts have to use their intelligence, intuition and experience to spot them.

Ladies, here are some tips to identify these escorts clients who want to waste your time:


* People who use a different number every time they call to inquire about a booking. This is where suspicion could arise. Have they been blacklisted on their other number? Often too many questions asked can lead to suspicion.

* Some guys are just shameless. If the booking request on the phone sounds a little awkward to you, do not continue the conversation.

* Some of them are reluctant to give clear and concise information about themselves and about the booking, which makes it harder for you to see that request as genuine.

 * If you have access to any escorts' clients blacklist, do check their name, number and/or email address and see if they have been reported on forums and message boards. Once you have identified a timewaster, do not be afraid to publish their details (nickname and phone number) on a specialized escort forums. In this way you will help other escorts to avoid clients that are simply timewaster.

 * Many will call you with a hidden number … well, the best is not to answer because if it is a timewaster, you will have no way to track/block him.



As an escort, you get paid for your time. This means that the time you spend with your clients represents a monetary value. When this time has not been consumed as it should have been - even though you have invested energy (to prepare yourself and your incall place for instance) - you lose out not only in time, but also in money.

When falling into the trap of a timewaster, the escort automatically lowers her standards (without necessarily realizing it) and this can confirm to that guy that she in fact lacks professionalism and self-confidence since she can be manipulated quite easily. That is why an escort girl cannot afford to let a timewaster taking her time, and therefore her money for granted. It is disrespectful in every way, as well as unproductive for her. This type of person should be tackled, as they are a real nuisance to escorts girls.


Janet – The Velvet Rooms


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