07 / 05 / 2024
6 Minute Read

Sexy women : Ukrainian escort girls are coming to Switzerland


Just when we all thought that the end of Covid-19 would finally allow us to regain part of the life we had before March 2020, an European war takes over and reminds us that in fact, the real economic crisis that we have all been waiting for has just begun.

A two-sided medal

Since the beginning of the conflict, the number of Ukrainian refugees in Europe has exceeded 2 millions.

As you probably already know, a mechanism allowing immediate protection in the European Union for Ukrainians fleeing the conflict has been approved. This is a one-year residence permit renewable twice in the country of their choice and will therefore allow them to have immediate access to the European labor market.

Switzerland, which is not a member of the European Union, will follow the example of Brussels and abolish the three-month period normally applied before allowing refugees to work. Access to work in Switzerland for Ukrainians will therefore be immediate and thanks to their Swiss work permit, they will also be able to travel freely within the Schengen area (of which Switzerland is a part).

This initiative is two-pronged. On the one hand, it is a remarkable and indisputable humanitarian gesture towards a population that currently needs huge help. On the other hand, these decisions imposed by European governments will have inevitable and questionable repercussions on an already fragile labor market in many European countries and Switzerland is not exempted.

Some countries, such as Switzerland and Luxembourg, for example, have always been considered by foreigners as economic El Dorados. So, in times of crisis or war, these countries are naturally even more popular than the others.

Whether we like it or not, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will obviously accentuate the competitiveness of the job market in certain sectors of the economy and even if the media does not speak about it (not yet), the sex industry will not be spared, quite the contrary.

Russians and Ukrainians in Europe

Russians and Ukrainians are among the most beautiful sexy women in the world. They have always been present in Europe and have always traveled and/or worked there (even illegally). It is well known that many of them have always worked in Italy, France, Spain, Belgium... as an escort but not always legally. Last year alone, more than thirty of sex women from this region of the continent contacted me asking if they could work here in Switzerland. Not holding a European Union passport, I always had to decline.

Very beautiful sexy women

Among their strengths? Their physical attributes. They are very beautiful women. Ukrainian women also have a reputation for being kind, gentle and many of them speak English well. Soon it is easy to imagine that a client will prefer to see a Ukrainian rather than any other girl from another Eastern European country. Especially since the Ukrainians who before this conflict were already traveling all over Europe to work as Escort Girls already had a solid reputation: excellent service and good value for money compared to the local market. If I were a customer, it is clear that I would let myself be tempted by one of these sexy women...

The Swiss market now accessible

In Switzerland, there have always been fewer Ukrainian Escort Girls than in the European Union because the risks and controls are higher here. Indeed, these sex women who work as Escort Girls and who do not have an European passport and are caught working illegally in Switzerland risk a fine, the confiscation of all the money earned in Switzerland and an expulsion from the territory ranging between 2 to 5 years.

Since June 2017, Ukrainians with a biometric passport can travel up to 90 days in a row in the Schengen area, without the need for a visa. From now on, all those fleeing the conflict in their country, can work legally in any country of Europe, including Switzerland.

Ukrainian escorts, soon in Switzerland

It is only a matter of time before the first Ukrainian Escorts officially appear in Switzerland. Soon, their presence should be felt in the sex industry all over Europe. This will logically put pressure on the competition and because of the recession that we will all face, the number of sex women wanting to come to Switzerland to work will simply increase. The phenomenon can already be seen from escort girls coming from Spain. Between those who will no longer earn enough in their country and those who will enter the industry out of necessity, the competition promises to be very tough.

What to do to continue earning a living as an Escort?

Good question. If you read my blog regularly, this is a question I answer very often.

As an Escort Girl, your income greatly depends on the economic situation of the country/continent you are in. If on top of that, you haven't been able to retain enough customers, you're going to have a lot of trouble getting out of the game, differentiating yourself from all these sexy women entering the industry, especially if you're starting in this industry in the midst of a recession or if your service has been stagnating for years.

For those of you who have been Escort Girls for a long time and who have a regular clientele, do not rest on your laurels because it is very easy to lose regular clients today.

Make sure to:

* Provide even a better service than before

* Create an offer/service for your regular customers only. Don't take repeat customers for granted. Just because they come to see you regularly doesn't mean they'll always come.

* Invest in your virtual image (photos, videos, website) in order to stand out more easily/faster. When you find yourself on an advertising portal where there are more than 2500 other girls, the chances that good new customers will click on your ad are very slim, unless your profile is really special.

* Invest in your body (stay natural by taking care of your appearance, paying attention to details that often do not leave customers indifferent. These are the details that will make them come back to see you or not.)

* Avoid scattering yourself. Many sex women in tis industry are everywhere: OnlyFans, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, girls traveling on the other side of the world to work as an escort girl…. Refocus your energy on 1 strategy to maximize your chances of success. Have 1 backup option (in case plan A does not work according to plan) and that's it.

* Learn how to save money today. Prevention is better than cure. Being an Escort is more and more difficult and uncertain (especially for beginners who do not necessarily have the right body and/or the attitude for the job or for those who have been on the market for too long and struggle to provide a service as good as before).

* Try to project yourself into a long/medium-term future and consider a transition that can take place smoothly when you will be ready for it (do continuing education, learn another job, make a real estate investment, a banking investment, etc.).

To avoid being trapped in an increasingly competitive industry that constantly expects from you a lot more effort than before but for the same earnings, it is important to be pro-active and not letting yourself be overwhelmed by the circumstances nor by all these sexy women who also want their share of the cake. This is especially true if being an Escort is your full-time job.

Redouble your efforts

If nevertheless, you still want to continue in this industry, so much the better. However, you should know one thing: you will have to set the bar very high in order to be able to maintain high rates. Because in the very near future, the world of prostitution will have become like that of Social Media. Everyone will be welcome but only a handful of girls and sex women will be able to earn their living very well as an Escort. The others (not pretty enough, not young enough, not interested enough in this line of work, not communicative enough, not open-minded enough...), despite all their efforts and their head full of dreams, will only contribute to strengthening the reputation of those Escorts who are already well established.

Janet for TheVelvetRooms

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