17 / 11 / 2021
5 Minute Read

Tips for Ladies : What do Swiss clients like about Escorts in Switzerland ?

Switzerland has long had a solid reputation among international Escorts who choose to come and work there. Despite the high cost of living, the economy is stable, wages higher than in the rest of Europe and prostitution is legal and regulated.

However, many girls (already active in other European countries) who come to try their luck in Switzerland leave without wanting to come back. They have often worked very well in France, Spain or Germany and don’t understand why things seem more difficult in Switzerland.

Well, everything is more difficult in Switzerland because the Swiss people are different. More demanding but also more faithful if they find "the right match”.

In this article, I will briefly try to share with you some key information that hopefully will help you to better understand the mentality of the Swiss clients but also to better prepare yourself if you plan to come to work in Switzerland as an Escort. I would like to point out that these tips apply to Escorts who are looking to meet a clientele of average to excellent quality.

Of course, since you need everything in this world, you will also find low-end prostitution in Switzerland to satisfy low-end customers.

However, our article is aimed to Escorts who are targeting a more upscale clientele.

*** 11 Tips for Escorts who come to work in Switzerland *** :

The Language

Master several languages ​​including German, English or French. Swiss customers like to talk and get to know you. Communication is very important to them. Although English may be enough to work in Switzerland, in some cases, it's not sufficient to earn well. Basics knowledge of German or French are strongly recommended. A girl who speak the official language of the Swiss region where they have chosen to work will (in the vast majority of cases) always earn better than the others, even if she is less pretty than her competitors. The Swiss generally favor communication and the girl's personality.

The Photos

Swiss clients like natural photos with little / no editing. Some girls spend a fortune on professional photos that are often far too retouched. It’s useless because it does not guarantee that you will work better and if the client is disappointed when they see you, you can be sure that they will not come back. Instead, work with simple, natural and recent photos.

The Workplace

If you want to work with a better clientele, always go for a private and discreet apartment where you work there on your own. Above all, avoid erotic studios and hotel rooms.

The Services

Be transparent. Don't sell services you don't offer. The Swiss mentality knows how to appreciate and reward honesty.

The Hygiene

In times of Covid-19, Swiss customers are twice as careful about hygiene compared to before 2020. I am talking here about your personal hygiene but also that of your apartment. Make sure everything is perfect so that the client feels very comfortable and wants to extend their time with you and / or come back to see you.

The Donation

As strange as it may seem, the good Swiss customer has principles they hold dear. In general (even if you look like Claudia Schiffer or Naomie Campbell), he is not ready to pay above a certain amount that he has set himself and he will also refrain from paying for a service that is too low price (which usually leaves him suspicious). Despite their high salaries, Swiss clients do not like to spend their money for something that does not really worth it. So, don't arrive in conquered territory, analyze the local market prices and adjust your rates accordingly.


Most Swiss men are fairly conservative, a bit reluctant to change, and fairly true to what they already know. Therefore, if you are a new Escort in Switzerland, you will certainly need a lot of patience (from several weeks to several months) and rigor before building a solid clientele in this country and thus have a comfortable income. If you don't have this patience, Switzerland may not be the best country for you to do this job as an escort.

Invest in your image

Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about cosmetic surgery here. No, not at all, moreover the Swiss tend to prefer girls with a natural body (preferably without silicone implants or lips enhancing). Here I am referring to something else: taking new photos three to four times a year, investing in professional videos or launching your own website. Indeed, the more your image will look professional, the more you will stand out and will not leave indifferent, the high-end customers. If in addition you like to take selfies / photos, write news, blog articles ... having your own website could be the perfect link to maintain contact with your already established clientele and make yourself known to those who haven’t yet discovered you.

Be consistent

If you haven't worked in Switzerland yet, you probably don't know that the vast majority of Escorts here work over 70% with their regular clients. Which means that without regular clients it is very difficult to work properly. To build this clientele, it’s essential to come to Switzerland on a regular basis but also and above all to be consistent in your service. If your service is up and down, it will take you months, even years, before you can make a living from this profession in Switzerland. In this case, it is certainly best not to even try!

Swiss: the GFE lovers

It’s an indisputable fact: the Swiss love Escorts who provide a full GFE service. In other words, they like Escort girls who are gentle, caring and who give deep French kiss AND offer natural fellatio (BBBJ). This does not mean that if you do not offer these two services you will not work. Of course, you still may work, but nothing in comparison with a girl who offers these two services (often automatically included in her basic donation).

More Incalls than Outcalls

If you are a girl who prefers Outcalls over Incalls, note that in Switzerland (especially since March 2020), 90% of your appointments will be Incalls. The vast majority of customers who use our services are married men and / or wishing to remain very discreet. Therefore, they will always prefer to come to your place.

If you live permanently in Switzerland and your schedule is flexible, you can consider Outcalls (requests that will still be rare).

If you are a Touring-Escorts, remember that in Switzerland, what works most are Incalls. Usually girls are available in the same city for at least a week (2-3 days is way too short) and then change location.

In a nutshell

As you will have understood, the Escorts market in Switzerland has changed a lot over the past 10 years and is not as simple as you may have thought it was. On the other hand, it is still a solid and stable market. If you are willing to give it a try and to keep being persistent, you will quickly realize that Swiss Gentlemen are among the best escort clients in Europe!

Janet for TheVelvetRooms


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