15 / 01 / 2024
6 Minute Read

Independent Escorts in Switzerland : Don't Yoyo With Your Rates!


Yesterday I had a very enriching telephone conversation with a great TVR client. Besides, I thank you enormously M. for your loyalty to this platform, for your moral support but also for your sincerity. It was thanks to our conversation yesterday that the idea of writing this article came to me. It is based on what you told me that I will try to share with the independent escorts in Switzerland who will read this article, the point of view of a client on the subject of the variation in prices often observed on their profile. The goal here is not to give moral lessons but rather to share the perspective of a client - because certainly many others share the same opinion - and from these remarks, to reflect on one's own practice and on how to improve, for the best interest of all. Enjoy the reading!


A fairly recurring practice

Although it is less common among independent escorts who are already well established or who have a lot of experience in the industry, it is a rather common practice among young independent escorts, among those who have just left their escort agency and are launching for the first time as an independent escort or even those who are testing the market and/or trying to see what is the maximum rate that they could ask a client for a given time. On the one hand, we can understand that uncertainty is predominant when we have little knowledge of ourselves, of market prices but also of the quality of our service. On the other hand, this uncertainty can quickly turn against you because it often makes you come across as indecisive, unprofessional and/or desperate. In all three cases, it is a negative image that you project towards your (potential) clients and as the sex market in Switzerland is a very small world, clients notice this very quickly.


It makes you look like an indecisive girl

An independent escort who is indecisive is a girl who lacks precision in her approach and who will create hesitation in the client because the girl seems difficult to distinguish, difficult to identify. Remember that when the client is looking for a girl to have a good time with, he only spends a few minutes on a swiss escort site. Between the moment he wants to see a girl and the moment the date happens he wishes he hadn't spent hours finding the right girl. So, it is clear that if he has seen your profile several times and each time the prices were different, you can be sure that he will think twice before considering meeting you. The same logic applies when you advertise on different Swiss escort portals and your rates are not the same from one site to another. As mentioned above, escort clients in Switzerland are not stupid and the market is very narrow. In general, they end up finding out this quickly and it can negatively impact your legitimacy and incidentally, your potential income.


You seem unprofessional

A professional escort is for a client a girl who, above all, has a certain consistency in the way she introduces herself and whose profile content is harmonious and leaves no room for doubt.

When your prices vary once downwards and once upwards and without sensible justification, without apparent logic, this leaves room for a lot of doubt among customers. When a customer is in doubt, he is not sure of what you are offering. He doesn't know whether to believe you or not and this may even call into question everything you say in your ad. This unexplained variation in prices can therefore give rise to other suspicions regarding the veracity of your photos, the authenticity of your description or even the conformity of your service. For many clients, a professional independent escort is a girl who exudes a certain level of reliability. Without this minimum of trust which reassures a customer, the latter will not come to meet you.


You appear desperate

This is definitely the worst impression an independent escort can leave on a client. An escort girl who seems desperate no longer has confidence in what she does (or how she does it) and will therefore tend to lower her prices. A customer who has browsed their profile several times without having yet contacted them will realize this. This price reduction will make some people want to come to see you but maybe not for the right reasons (it's cheaper now, so why not trying?). For others, it will sound like a red flag and may lead to lots of questions such as: Why is she lowering her prices? Maybe she doesn't have any customers? But why don't they go see her? Maybe she's not so good actually... In short, in both cases, a reduction in prices will not necessarily bring you more work, nor the type of clients you want and may even trigger the opposite effect... Keep in mind that men who go to see an escort want to meet a confident girl and not a woman who fails to stand out and/or who only seems to be there for the lucrative aspect of the business...


What can you do to avoid appearing indecisive, unprofessional and/or desperate?

In order not to create uncertainty among your (potential) customers, it is important to think carefully when publishing your rates. To do this, consider these three aspects:


1- Watch out the market rates. You don't want to be too much below or too much above these rates otherwise, as an independent escort in Switzerland, you risk having a very difficult start. Indeed, prices that are too low generally do not attract the best customers and prices that are too high mean a slower start for you, and lower earnings at the beginning.


2- Be honest with yourself. By that I mean, don't underestimate yourself but don't overestimate yourself either. Most of the time, girls in this industry overestimate themselves a lot (especially at the beginning) and quickly come down from their little cloud when they realize that in fact, there are girls younger, more beautiful, in better shape, more versatile and with way more services who charge the same thing as them... Why would a customer come to see you then?


3- Justify your price changes. When considering changing your rates (usually increasing them), do it at the right time and in the right way. The right time could be, additional services added to your services or the fact that you have invested a lot of money in your own website. The right way would be for example to inform your clients (especially your regular ones) in advance of this price change (so that they can prepare for it) or to guarantee the current prices to customers who already know you and to apply the new pricing to new customers. In short, communicate and do things intelligently so that this decision does not result in a big “Flop” and jeopardize your finances...


Becoming an independent escort in Switzerland is not that easy. A detail such as the right rate may seem unimportant at first glance when in fact it can be a decisive element in guaranteeing stable income. Indeed, here in Switzerland, the price of an independent escort will be just as important as her physical appearance, the quality of her service, her personality and the place where she chooses to receive her clients.


Janet for TheVelvetRooms

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