Lately, I have been receiving more and more messages and emails from girls who are looking for escort jobs in Switzerland.
They have seen documentaries on television, have read articles in magazines or have an acquaintance who does this work in Switzerland. In view of all the information they have been able to collect about escort jobs abroad, they think they know exactly what this job consists of and feel capable of being an Escort in Switzerland.
One of them even said to me: "I know a not very pretty girl who has been doing this job for a few years and who seems to be making a good living. So, if she manages to do it, it shouldn't be that complicated for me because without bragging, I'm much prettier than her".
It's not just people outside the sex industry who have preconceptions about escort jobs. Girls considering the job are also full of preconceived ideas about it.
So, for all those who want to become an Escort in Switzerland, here are 10 misconceptions that you certainly have about Escort jobs. Make sure to get rid of them if you are seriously considering becoming an Escort in Switzerland:
1- You have to be beautiful to be an Escort
NOT NECESSARILY. To apply for escort jobs in Switzerland, physical beauty is important, but it is not the most important. I would say that you should have charm and know how to play with it. If in addition, you have an inner beauty and you know how to reveal it, this is what will put you on a footing compared to other Escort Girls. In the eyes of a client, your real beauty will bloom with your ability in making him feel special in your presence.
2- One should be slim to be an Escort
FALSE. More and more Size Plus Escorts (wearing XL or XXL) have been able to build up a good clientele. Their dress size did not prevent them from finding good escort jobs in Switzerland. Indeed, there are men who prefer women with curves. Indeed, many of them have a natural body, which is what a lot of men are looking for. A large number of clients rather go to Big Beautiful Women (BBW) over the slim ones as they tend to be on average more laid-back, less arrogant and more approachable and a lot more friendly.
3- You must have big breasts to be an Escort
FALSE. Against all odds, this is the most common prejudice! All girls get their breasts done because they think that it will be easier to get escort jobs or because they believe that this is what men prefer and/or they will work better with silicone breasts. Well, you will be very surprised to know that more than 70% of Escort clients prefer natural breasts and many even have a preference for small boobs. :-)
4- Escort Girls over 30 years old are less in demand
FALSE. Clients prefer women or girls and for many, the ideal age for an Escort Girl is between 28 and 40 years old. Note that many women over 40s (also known as MILF) are among the best Escort Ladies! However, there is no age limit to be an Escort in Switzerland (from 18 years old). Beyond a certain stage, age does not matter if you know how to create this magic between the client and you. If you cannot find escort jobs in Switzerland because of your age, then you have not found the right place yet. Keep on looking!
5- You don't have to be smart to be an Escort
FALSE. In a competitive market as the one we are currently in, being a smart Escort Girl can set you apart from the rest. Men have become super picky. The way you speak, write, interact with them does matter and tend to influence their decision in dating you or not. Although intelligence is measured in various ways, it is clear that a girl who has “nothing up there” will not work as well/much or not at the same rates as an educated girl, who speaks several languages and who has studied. The smarter an Escort is, the better her chances of making a good living as an Escort Girl (better clients, longer dates...).
6- Being an Escort Girl does not imply intimate relationships
FALSE. That is the thing I hear most often. But from whence did they acquire this information? Do you really think that a client is going to pay 300 CHF to spend an hour with you having a drink and talking about the beautiful weather?, not really. 95% of the time, the client comes for a GFE, deep French kiss, natural blowjob, sensuality, tenderness and a moment of relaxation. It is mainly all about him and you are here to help him feel great. If you are not ready to provide this kind of service, forget about becoming an Escort in Switzerland, it is definitely not for you. In this country, most of escort jobs will expect from you to provide the services listed above.
7- Escort Jobs promise to earn a lot of money
FALSE. Many, struggle to make ends meet. Other make between 3000 and 6000 CHF a month and the ones who have understand what it takes to be a profesionnal Escort are easily making way over 12 000 CHF a month for not even working full time. The money you earn will be directly correlated with your positive attitude towards the customer, the quality of your service, the consistency of your service, your versatility, your patience, the regularity of your presence, your professionalism and your ability to adapt to situation. If you are not able to juggle with these essential and necessary qualities to earn very well as an Escort, you will become disillusioned very quickly in most escort jobs you will do in Switzerland. Along the same line, if you used to make a good living elsewhere as an Escort and you start to slack off your professionalism, you will logically lose clients and money.
8- All Escorts hate this job
FALSE. Despite what feminists want us to believe, not all Escort Girls are victims. Some women have chosen this work deliberately and find great pleasure and satisfaction in doing it. Let's not put everyone in the same basket, please!
9- I can start as an independent Escort without any investment
FALSE. You will not believe how many girls want to get some escort jobs or start working as an independent Escort but are completely broke, have a “me-me-me” attitude and nothing to show for it! It takes money to make money. Having beautiful photos/videos, booking your apartment/hotel room, preparing your advertising... All this costs money and requires a minimum of organization to avoid burning your wallet... If you are poorly organized as an independent Escort and puts no money into marketing your services, you just cannot possibly get this kickoff properly and your earnings will feel it badly... Escort jobs can get you a lot of money, but you must be prepared for it. You should be prepared for money because money will never be waiting for you… Do you understand what I mean?
10- Being an Escort does not require any special skills: anyone can do it
FALSE. Oh really? Do you really think that escort jobs are open to everyone? Ask one of your friends if she is able to open the door to a stranger, behave towards him as if he was not a stranger, look at him with a smile, talk to him and listen to him, as if all this was natural. Have sex with him as if he was her boyfriend, whether she physically likes him or not. Would she be able to ignore her own feelings, opinions and make this man feel the most valuable person in the world within a time frame of an hour or two, without even knowing that she might never see him again?
Can your friend do that? And how about you? Can you really do that?
In case you did not know it, there is a difference between a prostitute and an escort girl. Anyone can be a prostitute but not anyone can be an Escort. It's NOT the same at all. Not anyone is suitable for escort jobs.
Escort jobs in Switzerland : Things to remember
Being an independent Escort is not for everyone. The girls attracted to this industry only see the financial aspect of it and attach no value to this profession, which they do not consider as such. This is exactly where the problem lies. Being an Independent Escort is a job. Not a common job but a job all the same and certainly much more challenging physically (it can be heavy on the body which constantly has to “perform” and “deliver”), psychologically (the importance of not losing the face in any circumstances as the client satisfaction comes first) and morally (having to hide it constantly to your friends and family makes lies an instinctive reflex to protect ones privacy) than many other jobs out there. Money can be great in this industry but there is also a price to pay for it and not everyone is willing to make these kinds of sacrifices...
Being an Escort Girl may or may not be something for you. Give deeper thought to it before making that big leap.
Janet - The Velvet Rooms
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