09 / 04 / 2020
4 Minute Read
Tips for Ladies : The Bad Boy - Why you should avoid this type of client.
All Escorts succumbed (at least once) to the sulfurous charm of a "Bad Boy". Perhaps you are one of those who collect them or have collected them! We know what attracts us to them, but we also quickly understand what they attract to our lives: worry, insecurity, jealousy, emotional frustration and inability to plan. And then comes maturity, and with it the awareness of the only type of client we need: a man who is simply nice and friendly!
We all had a crush on the charming "Bad Boy" customer.
Who has not melted for the arrogant virility of a "Bad Boy"? Who has not been bewitched by his dangerous charm? First you imagine that he will be Bad with everyone, and gentle and respectful with you, the Escort he pays and whom he has chosen to spend time with. Then, you quickly realize that he is hard on you too, but strangely, it doesn’t displease you: being with him has a scent of danger that makes you feel alive, and the dizziness of his multiple appointments canceled, the intensity of your get-together and the mystery surrounding his attitude maintain your attraction for him and he remains your favorite client.
In comparison, you tell yourself that a nice customer seems boring to you… and yet everything would be muchmore simple and reassuring with a nice and respectful man!
Being an Escort will teach you what's really precious in a man.
This "Bad Boy" client is not the kind of man you’d usually like but curiously, you have a hard time getting rid of him and he knows how to abus it: his meetings go far beyond the time for which he paid, he asks for services that you usually wouldn't do with other clients, he wants to meet you outside of your hours of availability without any gratification, you cancel appointments to spend time with him while knowing you are wasting your time ... But you don’t say a word: too naive and bewitched by his charm ... with perhaps the hidden hope that one day he will become your "boyfriend".
These moments with him seem to stir up the flame… Why? Because they remind you every minute that you can lose him as a customer. And even if you don't appreciate his way of acting towards you, you have the impression of being attracted to him because this insecurity artificially inflates your desire to be with him: keeping him as a client is an unconscious challenge.
The hardest times are the most numerous, but you try to endure them by hanging on to the rare pleasant moments because physically, he attracts you a lot. You are not the only one, believe me! But this uncomfortable situation is not normal andvery unhealthy, especially when it comes to an Escort-Client relationship. This alternation of ups and downs, which creates more unpleasant moments than pleasant ones makes you continue to accept him as a client. This is the definition of a toxic customer: that of a Bad Boy who wastes your time, your money and lowers your self-esteem. If you don't feel comfortable with a client, you have the right to stop seeing them. The fact that he pays to be in your presence is not a reason to accept everything from him. During a meeting with a client, it is you who should "lead the dance", not the other way around.
Your experience as an Escort will make you appreciate nice men.
Maturity makes you understand it little by little and also reveals you something else : The mysterious Bad Boys are all over, while what is really rare are the nice men. These customers are generally more mature, more confident and know how to show you respect and value.
By getting older, we also realize that the qualities that really matter in a man are: altruism, empathy, sincerity, the capacity to devote oneself to the other, patience ... In short, that which encompasses all these qualities mentioned aboved is : kindness.
Nice can rhyme with attractive!
YoungEscorts often have the impression that Bad Boys are sexy, and that good men are… nice but much less attractive. This quality tenderizes and binds them, but it does not attract them!
Maturing is not only realizing how rare and precious kindness is in a man, but also how attractive it can be. If this has never happened to you before, you will one day know how sexy a man’s courage, kindness and loyalty can be. Gradually, you will appreciate this type of client and you will even be very grateful to have them coming back to you!
Tyrants are numerous and poisonous, kings are rare and good, and as an Escort, you deserve nothing less than valuable customers (who will speak nicely to you, treat you well and even buy you gifts!) not capricious "Bad Boys" (who generally never become regular clients)!
Janet for
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