02 / 04 / 2019
2 Minute Read
5 client personality types that Escorts can't stand !
Escorts who are used to spend time with men of all ages and races, have over the years become very picky and each of them has her own ideal of the perfect client (in terms of personality), which differs from one Escort to another.
Whether it is on the physical level, social status, sensitivity, intelligence, etc., it is never totally the same and there are no precise and definitive criteria for the ideal client.
So, even if there is not a single winning recipe for being the coveted customer, you should know that there are certain types of men who are unanimously accepted by the Escorts: those they deeply dislike!
Find out what kind of customers Call Girls want to run away from:
The pretentious
Arrogant and pretentious men, who spend their time bragging, are by no means attractive to Escorts. Self-confidence is sexy! But be careful, there's a big difference between the two terms!
So, when visiting an Escort, compliment her instead of worrying about yourself!
The "too" nice guy
That's the sad truth! A man who is really too "sweet", too attentive and hyper devoted will most of the time be rejected by women. At least, it will be categorized in the "friend-zone".
For inexplicable reasons, many women like the "bad boys", or the men who will make their lives difficult. As if having it easy makes the whole thing repulsive...
If you want to bring a gift to your favorite Escort, don't do too much, especially for a first date: flowers and some chocolates are always a appreciated!
The lazy one
The man who has no ambition or dreams can never seduce a woman, let alone an Escort! As well as the one who has no leadership or initiative. A woman in general needs a man with some “drive” and who knows how to take the lead.
She doesn't want to have to take care of you as if you were a child and everything depends on her and rests on her shoulders.
An Outcall with a man categorized as lazy can be for an Escort, an extremely boring and painful moment to endure!
The idiot
No Gentlemen, not all Escorts are stupid with no education or background! Escorts of a certain level (especially those who work as Swiss independent Escorts) like to be intellectually stimulated and prefer the presence of an intelligent client by their side. Spending a weekend with a man who has nothing interesting to say, who has no opinion on any subject is simply unthinkable… Especially for courtesans for whom this business it’s not all about the money!
The overly jealous client
Even worse: the jealous client who allows himself to ask lots of personal questions, who wants to know how many customers per day the Escort has met, if she has seen a client before him, why she does not stop this job to start a relationship with him...
Some escorts may find it cute (at the beginning) but if it goes too extreme, this guy will quickly end up in her blacklist!
Did you recognize yourself in any of these categories?
If the answer is NO, then don't change anything!
You're the kind of Gentleman that Escorts like to spend time with… and that's not a small compliment! ;-)
Janet for
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