13 / 07 / 2021
3 Minute Read
Escorts who send SMS reminders: What to do?
Gentlemen, some of you are single or living apart and have no problem with the issue we are going to discuss in this article. For others, it's a different story ...
A large number of Escorts will not answer your hidden number call. You must therefore call showing your number ...
I'm sure this has happened to you before: you went to see an Independent Escort and a few weeks / months later you received an SMS / WhatsApp from her in which she informs you that she is back. The problem is that these messages are spontaneous, unpredictable, often unwanted and you never know exactly what they contain (some can be very explicit). In addition, they can arise at the worst time (you are already in bed or watching TV with your wife, you are at the table with your family and the phone is in plain sight, you are in a meeting at work. .).
I am sure that you would prefer not to receive such messages, especially if you did not ask to receive them. Here are some precautions to take:
Use a separate phone
As I already mentioned in an article published 3 years ago; I advise you gentlemen to use another phone for your secret escapades. I know it's much more convenient to manage all from one number but frankly I don't recommend it. Unless you are single (well, even that), it's putting yourself in a risky situation and jeopardizing your daily life. In a married life, there are things that unfortunately must remain secret and if your partner is not the type to accept this, do everything so that she never knows about it. For this, always use a separate phone for your dates with Escorts. Preferably an old phone without traceability (no smartphone). A very simple phone that allows you to call and send SMS.
Turn it on when you have a date with an Escort and once the encounter is over, turn it off to remain unreachable. The goal: contacting Escorts whenever you wish to and avoiding unwanted messages.
Block her number
I know it might sound a little shocking to write this, but sometimes the circumstances don't leave a choice to do otherwise. If you cannot or do not wish to have to manage two phones, be sure to block (SMS, calls and WhatsApp) the Escort number and erase it from your phone, once the date has taken place. Unless it is an Escort that you see regularly and who does not usually send unwanted messages without your knowledge; I advise you to block the numbers of other girls and unblock them once you want to get back in touch. The goal: contact the Escorts whenever you want to and avoiding unwanted messages.
Save her number under a male name
This technique is only recommended for Escorts that you see regularly (you already know them well). You will have already told them that you do not wish to receive messages but sometimes they may still have to send you one to confirm an appointment, cancel a date, ask you an important question ... If you have chosen to use your unique phone number for all your calls (including those from your secret life), I strongly advise you to save the name of your favorite Escorts under male first names and systematically erase all WhatsApp and text messages exchanged between you. For example: Carlo (for Chloé), Ronny (for Robi) or even Nicolas for (Nalla). Just as a precaution. Even if you have your phone with you 90% of the time, you never know who it may fall into, when you least expect it. Also remember to deactivate the option on your phone which displays received messages on your screen.
Measure the risks and keep your distance
The vast majority of Escorts do not understand that for many clients, going to see them is always a risk. Since they are not really aware of your situation, it is up to you gentlemen to be careful and to expose yourself as little as possible to preserve your anonymity as much as possible and / or to avoid problems.
As for you Lady, you should know that most customers cannot stand receiving your reminder messages. It’s not discreet, it’s not classy, it's unwanted and even worse, it can cause you to lose clients who find you intrusive and will prefer to never contact you again. Indeed, remain discreet in your approach. If a client really wants to see you again, they'll know where to find you, believe me. It's his job to contact you, not the other way around.
Janet for
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