18 / 11 / 2020
5 Minute Read

The financial demands of being an independent working girl


Spending time with the right independent working girl can be for men, a great experience, and although prices vary a lot, it is never a ‘cheap’ deal. Some clients may assume that the hourly rate is too high and have a tendency of thinking that the companion does not ‘worth’ it. Here is a long list of things/tasks/factors that all Independent Escorts must take into consideration to always be on top of their activity as a working girl. As you will notice, there is a lot of time invested outside their time spent in the bedroom... Hopefully it will be for you Gentlemen, an eye-opener.

Time spent on Marketing

More and more Independent Escorts have their own website and here is what comes with it : designing and updating a website, paying for ads, investing in their social media presence and growth, planning regular photo shootings (paying a professional photographer, paying for a location, buying clothing and lingerie, and potentially paying a hair/make-up artist) and general content creation to keep her presence as a working girl, as attractive and interesting as possible.

In Switzerland, a girl who doesn't have her own site will make sure to take care of her image and place her ad on escort sites with a good reputation and attracting the clientele she desires.

Managing her bookings

Responding to calls and e-mails for booking requests, dealing with frustrating time wasters in the process, and screening clients/seeking references is for a working girl, extremely time consuming!

Researching general industry information

A top working girl should spend time gathering information about the industry she is in to maintain herself on top of the game. Hours are spent going through forums and threads, reading blogs and looking up various websites, to ensure that she has as clued up as possible in an industry that has often little to no regulation or guidance.

Maintaining a bag of lingerie & accessories

A lot of time is also being spent by a working girl for self-maintenance. Looking for special lingerie, high-heels and clothing items, as well as purchasing toys, lube, condoms, massage oils and other accessories...


Hours of beauty treatments  

Gentlemen, you can’t imagine how expensive regular beauty treatments of a working girl can be. From manicure, pedicure, hair, wax/laser/frequent shaving, skincare, makeup, dental, fitness, the list goes on and it is a pretty long one. Most escort girls are likely to spend a lot more time and money on this than the average person, due to their desire of providing an excellent experience for every client and the high expectations of those clients when they pay to meet a working girl.

Investment in health

This includes regular STD screenings, diet and fitness, regular visits to the gynecologist... Paid sick leave doesn’t exist when you’re working for yourself (nor does paid vacation time) so there is usually a heightened importance of self-care among working girls.


Searching for the right locations

A working girl offering incall appointments will spend hours before finding the most discreet yet conveniently location options, which takes deep research and comes with an obvious financial investment. In expensive cities such as Zurich, New-York or Oslo or Tokyo, their apartment/hotel room and flight/train tickets should be booked weeks in advance to get the best price possible.  


Time before and after appointments

Before receiving their client, a working girl normally spends time preparing the premises so that everything is tidy and clean when their client arrives. Making sure she has drinks / snacks to offer him, preparing the room, lighting the candles, changing the sheets, doing several washing machines a week ... Then, dressing up for each client is at least 30 minutes of preparation. All this takes time, time which is not counted in the working girl's income and yet essential, especially when you are an Independent Escort of a certain level.


The energy spent on maintaining two different identities

A lot of working girls will choose to keep it secret. Often, this entails needing to create a convincing narrative for curious friends and family who do not know about their work, sometimes alongside a full-time day job/studies, and trying to travel to bookings making sure not to be seen or recognized. They will also create a narrative for their escort persona, so as not to give away too much of their genuine personal information to clients for the sake of privacy and safety.

Irregularity of the job

A working girl’s income is irregular. She can have a great and busy week, followed by two weeks with only few bookings, yet she still spends time doing everything she can to promote herself and often has to respond to disingenuous emails/phone calls. When you look at a working girl’s hourly rate, don’t assume she is in bookings 35 hours a week.


Emotional energy

It takes a lot of emotional energy to being a switched on, attentive, intimate confidante for multiple people as a professional companion, as well as being fully present for ones own family, friends and colleagues. It's incredibly draining and can lead to burnout much quicker than in many other professions.

Tax and accounting

Many think that sex workers do not pay taxes. Well, not all of them. Some need some transparency in order to get a credit card, buy a house, start a project...Tracking income and expenses, paying an accountant or spending a lot of time figuring it out for themselves, registering their business, dealing with banks that are Escort-phobic…


Conclusion : being a working girl is work!

I hope this post brings some new perspective for you Gentlemen that might be tempted to negotiate the rates of a working girl, or to criticize what an escort girl thinks her time should be worth. Please Gentlemen, stop negotiating an Escort's donation. It is insulting and degrading. It is also a proof for them that you do not appreciate all the efforts put in place to make you have a good time in her presence.

Being an Independent Escort takes money to start with, a lot of commitment, patience, consistency, but it also means a lot of extra hours outside the appointments (upstream and downstream, and unpaid). Nevertheless, hard work usually pays off in the end, and this article shows exactly why.

Janet – The Velvet Rooms


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