16 / 03 / 2020
3 Minute Read
Alpha, Beta, Lambda or Omega: What type of seducer are you?
In what sexual hierarchy do you place yourself in relation to women? Are you an Alpha, Beta, Lambda or Omega man?
These terms do not define the intrinsic worth of a man, nor do they constitute a judgment on his personality or his being. They only refer to how women perceive you. This does not mean that you are superior to another man because you are placed higher on the ladder of seduction. Especially since this place owes a lot to chance and genetics, although personal merit plays a big role in it too. I propose a classification of these four types of men with my personal comments to help you understand those terms a bit better.
The two main categories
Category 1: The Alpha and Beta are the men who, in the game of seduction, have their chances with most women.
Category 2: The Lambda and the Omega are the men who, in the game of seduction, rarely have their chances and will almost always be excluded.
The Alpha male
He is the man at the top of the sexual hierarchy: attractive, virile, he gives a feeling of self-confidence, authority and domination. He usually masters the codes of seduction and male-female relationships, whether consciously or instinctively. He is able to quickly seduce a woman, basing his game of seduction on appearances, charisma, macho charm, money, physical power ... He is the kind of man young girls fantasize about and the one that more mature women dream of having as a lover. It is this category of men who assume the most prominent traditional manly traits and women respect him as a man. About 10% of men are alpha.
The Beta male
This man is generally more erased than the Alpha, less attractive at first but often wiser and more solid in many respects. Where the Alpha makes a good lover, the beta makes a good friend: he is attentive, patient, often in love with the woman before she even notices it. He’s the one who has a shoulder she can cry on when the Alpha she was sleeping with doesn’t want her anymore. He is also the one who will accept to raise the child of the Alpha without complaining. Although less successful than Alpha, Beta can succeed in having a good sentimental and sexual life, because of the emotional connections he knows how to establish with certain women. However, he is often just a fallback, a plan B for the girl who dreamed of being with an Alpha man and suddenly found herself too old or not pretty / interesting enough to attract them. Although his position is more advantageous than that of Lambda and Omega, the Beta male is often an eternal frustrated and his position is one of the least comfortable. About 50% of men are Beta.
The Lambda male
The Lambda is an average male who is just a nobody: in fact, on the sentimental and sexual radar of women, he doesn't even exist. He's that kind of gray, shy, low-key man that has been around in the office for years but who is so insignificant that no one ever remembers his name. Over time, however, and provided he manages to build a comfortable financial position, he can hope to become an acceptable Beta for a fairly desperate third-hand woman. About 30% of men are Lambda.
The Omega male
He's at the bottom of the hierarchy. He is the one who, suffering from severe physical or social handicaps, has difficulty accessing women. He usually has no money. He is not physically attractive. Not particularly intelligent. He can be morbidly obese, disfigured, homeless ... There are many examples and causes of his situation. About 10% of men are Omega.
Statutes that can change
The status of Alpha, Beta, Lambda or Omega is neither fixed nor permanent: in reality, nobody is one or the other forever. Every man, on the other hand, has a certain number of Alpha traits, Beta traits, Lambda traits and Omega traits which, depending on the situation, are useful or not, are highlighted or on the contrary stifled. Physical beauty, for example, is not perceived in the same way in all cultures. Interpersonal skills and good listening skills (Beta trait) can become ineffective with an interlocutor who uses a language you have poor command of. An Apollo physique, even recognized as such, will be worth nothing for a woman who does not like men of your ethnic group ...
But remember that it is us, women who create these categories, and they only exist in our gaze. The precise status of a man can therefore vary depending on the woman he is trying to seduce! :-)
Janet for
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