03 / 12 / 2019
2 Minute Read
Small Talk: 12 non-intrusive questions you can ask an Escort.
Small Talk is becoming more and more important during an encounter between an Escort and her client. The rule is that the Escort does not ask any indiscreet questions about the private life of her guest and the other way around, the client must maintain a certain distance from the questions asked to the courtesan he meets.
In order to make the time spent together as pleasant as possible, certain codes must be respected in order not to offend anyone.
As a general rule, an Escort does not appreciate being asked questions directly related to her work as a Sex Worker and even less so, when a client tries from the first appointment to dissect her personal life such as : What’s your real name? Why are you doing this job? Do you have a boyfriend? How many clients did you see today? Also avoid sensitive subjects such as: religion, politics or war, which have nothing to do with the context of the encounter.
Gentlemen, make sure to be careful and discreet in order to put her at ease because in the end, you want a "return on investment", don't you?
If you are shy, introverted, anxious, curious, clumsy, or simply excited about this unusual encounter, ask some simple, general, interesting questions that will relax the atmosphere, make the lady in your company smile and allow you to quickly get to know her better.
In case you didn't know it, a woman (especially when she is very beautiful) is more attracted to a man when he is interested in her as a person and compliments her on attributes other than her physical assets…
Here is a list of 12 simple suggestions of questions you can ask an Escort, which will not make her feel uncomfortable or make you look like an intrusive person :
* What do you like the most about [the city where you are meeting]?
* What are your hobbies?
* What are some of your favorite movies / what’s the last good movie you saw?
* What’s the best meal you ever had?
* Do you have any pets? / Are you a cat person or a dog person?
* What is your dream vacation destination? / What is the best trip you ever took?
* Do you like road trips? / What’s the best road trip you’ve ever been on?
* What’s the funniest or strangest thing you have ever witnessed in public?
* What’s your secret talent?
* What is one thing you’ve always wanted to do?
* Are you more a day person or a night person ?
* What would you choose — a day on a yacht, or a day in a Lamborghini?
And remember Gentlemen : it takes two to Tango ! ;-)
Janet for
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